4P Phantom

Equalize your PET images

4P PET Phantom for 2.5x more accurate and precise PET quantitative imaging.

Our 4P Plug & Play PET Phantom equalizer turns a network of PET scanners into a homogeneous source. Thanks to its innovative 68Ge system, it enables quantitative assessment with a reduced error with respect to other technologies on the market.

diXit 4P Phantom exploits a patented innovative technology that enables nuclear imaging scanner equalization, quantitative assessment and study comparison across a network of PET scanners. Receive the 4P via carrier, place it in the machine and run the qualification process with the help of our remote-assistance team. When finished, pack it and send it through (or back), without any hassle or extra cost.

Safer, simpler, faster and more reliable quantitative PET images

The old 18F PET phantoms

Current PET phantoms are based on a 18F system that requires the intervention of dedicated local experts for the site / scanner qualification. This process is expensive, lengthy and intrinsically prone to errors.

Since different scanners give different readings, a program for clinical trial qualification (CTQ) is mandatory to guarantee a reliable and reproducible use of PET in prospective multi-centre clinical trials and in every-day clinical life.

The next generation phantom: 68Ge

The 68Ge phantom proved to be a reliable tool for PET scanner qualification, significantly reducing the error sources and increasing the reproducibility of PET-derived quantitative parameters. It also proved to be superior to traditional qualitative assessment in several retrospective or mono-centric prospective reports.

The use of a 68Ge phantom allowed reducing the inter-scanner variability among different scanners by 2.5 times, from 74.0% to 20.5% in BAC and from 63.3% to 17.4% in SBR compared to using the 18F phantom. The CTQ criteria were fulfilled at first round in 100% and 28% of PET scanners with 68Ge and 18F, respectively.

68Ge Plug & Play PET Phantom

Plug & Play

Simplifies dramatically the procedure of inter-scanner calibration. Compatible with all types of scanners.

Quantitative assessment

Minimize the statistical error

Lower radiation

Versus the usual 18F phantom

2.5x reduced error variability

Inter-scanner error variability reduced from 74.0% to 20.5% in BAC and from 63.3% to 17.4% in SBR vs 18F phantoms


Higher accuracy for future Q-PET-based clinical trials

Completely Sealed

Reduced human risk and errors. No manual procedures.

Our 4P Phantom has been published

2020–2024 diXit s.r.l. · Via Agostino da Montefeltro 2, 10134 Torino, Italy · P.IVA 10493140015 · REA TO 1137723 · All rights reserved.